Ghost detecting Tools - Ghost Radar

I was wondering what everyone out there using to detect ghostly presence. I dont actually have any official ghost equipment, EMF 's, Infrared or any thing else. But I was browsng the web the other day and found a cool piece of software by Spud Pickles called Ghost Radar.

I tried this program and actually got what seemed like results, ghost blips on the radar and words on the screen. What I am planning on doing is trying it in a documented ghost place to see if the results make any facts about any area. So stay tuned to this space.

If you want to try Ghost Radar it is available for most phones and is totally free.

Download it from the Spud Pickles Website


I haev recently came across some great software by Dennis Batchelor that makes your ghost hunts a whole lot easier, the software is called "THE PLAN" and its like your electronic logbook, letting you record and keep track of all your ghost information from your hunts. I highly recommend getting a copy from  "THE PLAN" website.

Happy Hunting.

